Thursday 29 May 2008

Night of Discordia

This is just a quick entry to record something strange that happened yesterday. There's no substantive value to this post whatsoever, so skip over it if you're looking for something good to read. ;)

So, okay. Last night I'm watching this movie called "The Number 23," starring Jim Carrey and Virginia Madsen. It's a really, really strange picture about this guy who starts to see the number twenty-three everywhere, on clocks and in people's names and addresses and so on, and the more he sees it the more he becomes convinced that the number is controlling his destiny. And what makes it even weirder is that other people in the movie believe it too. Like I said, it's a very strange picture. Not a particularly good one, but really unusual in its subject matter. And it introduced me to this Twenty-Three business, which I'd never heard of before, which is kind of interesting.

Anyway, after the movie finished I shut down my computer and go to the bathroom to do some... thinking. (Yeah, that's what I'll call it.) So I'm in there....thinking.... about the weirdness of the movie when the lights suddenly shut off. The house is in total darkness. I finish thinking as best I can without light, wash my hands and go to a window to look outside. Apparently it's a blackout, because the street lights are off and it's just black on black out there, dark sky, dark silhouettes of trees and houses, dark like you never see it in the city. Then I hear the sound of a helicopter and a spotlight travels down the length of the street. I guess it's a police copter. They patrol the city at night, and maybe the blackout attracted their attention. But knowing what it is doesn't make that wandering spotlight any less eerie.

Then I decide to see what time it is, and go look for my watch. It takes a few minutes to locate it in the dark, so all told it's been ten minutes or so since the lights went out. Want to know what time it was?

Two forty-one AM, which means that the blackout occured at about 2:30.

Freaked me the heck out.

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