Sunday, 8 July 2007

Hit my head today...

... and I'm writing about it here, because it was something I'd never experienced before. Or at least, not to this degree.

Early this afternoon I bent down to pick something off the floor - and BAM! I slammed my forehead into the corner of a wood desk. It's probably the hardest I've ever been hit. The impact left a gash on my head about three or four centimeters long, maybe a millimeter or two wide. And you know what they say about bleeding scalp wounds? It's true. That sucker bled for a while. Not a lot of blood overall, but it was this dark red trickle. Kind of scary.

But the worst part is how I felt after. It was like... being dizzy, like my head was a million miles away from my feet. Or maybe punch drunk, like in the cartoons when somebody gets hit and they see a bunch of little stars and birdies flying around their head. I didn't hallucinate anything, but I sure wasn't thinking straight. I spent twenty minutes just staring out the window for no reason, then set up a movie for my Dad to watch (he doesn't know how to use the VCR or computer, so I have to do it for him), then stumbled off to buy this week's comics. And once there, I had a really weird conversation with the guy who works in the store. I was asking him about Mouse Guard and he was telling me about Maus, and it took me several minutes to realize we weren't talking about the same thing. God knows what the other costumers thought of this guy with dried blood on his head, stumbling around the aisles. But I did end up buying four comics, so it was a good trip.

Anyway, it took about five hours, but the symptoms seems to be mostly gone now, and my head is firmly located back on my shoulders. No more dizziness, thank goodness. I just hope the gash heals over without scarring.

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