Sunday, 19 July 2009

Ye Winds Tempestuous Blow

Quite a storm last night. There's power outages and damage all over the city - though not here, obviously. We got off pretty light at this house. One of the trees out front has a big, broken branch, and that's it. But look a little further down the street and you can see a whole lot more broken branches. Across the street and a few houses down, there's a tree that's got half its branches lying in a leafy green heap on the grass. About a block away there's a yard where a tree split in two right down the middle, with half of it lying on the road. We had to drive around that last night. I was out in the storm with a friend, but we were safe in his car and nothing happened to us. It was still a pretty interesting ride home, though. I might write something about that later.

Right now the most relevant thing I can mention is this weird feeling that's in the air. I don't know exactly how to describe it, it's like this vibe that says something isn't right, and things still aren't back to normal. No doubt it has to do with the changes in ions and air pressure that you get after a storm, but the physical effect is pretty striking. People get angry or depressed or feel sick for no reason at all, and there are no birds singing today. Not even a magpie squawk, just silence, broken by the distant wail of sirens. (There's been a lot of sirens today.) No newspaper today, either. It's weird how everything seems topsy turvy and you don't know what to expect. I even found a spider in the coffee pot this morning.